Mind Tech Pill

 If, after two or three weeks, you are still experiencing runny stool, talk to your doctor, or take a break from the keto diet. Any time you lose large amounts of liquid (regardless of how), you risk becoming dehydrated and throwing off your body's electrolyte balance. It may seem counter-intuitive to drink large amounts of water when you are passing watery stool, but maintaining your body's water levels will ensure that you do not become dehydrated. Mind Tech Pill How can our minds and bodies cope with the onslaught of crippling industrial era inspired work schedules, anti-nutrient foods and energy depleting EMFs (Electric Magnetic Fields). Mind Tech Pill If you're one of the many people who think that eating healthy is expensive and doesn't taste very good, think again! Cannabidiol is also effective in reducing the discomfort caused by the low amounts of carbohydrates in keto diets.









